May, 2015

Top Project-Killing Mistakes

Published: 26.05.2015 | 2803

There are plenty causes of project failure and sometimes a single trigger leads to failure. Therefore, we would like to introduce you to the most common lapses that may hinder the successful implementation of IT projects from software development to app creation.

Failed Interaction

Meetings usually don’t require presence of all team members. Either it is due to irrelevant issues discussed or project manager alone adopts decisions. In any case, the entire crew should be in touch about the decisions taken.

It is also a big bummer, when the project manager promises to the customer to release the product within timeframes not agreed with the developer. The project is unlikely to be successful if the coder needs to do the job in an unrealistically short time. Errors are expensive, so we prefer to prevent them.

Irrational Things

Some inefficient decisions may badly hurt the project overall. Often particular task needs a new employee, but after some time from hiring, he already is assigned for anything but the product itself. And you understand how it affects the project implementation period.

Other minor things can also slow down your projects. For example, developer wants to write the taskbar. But it is impractical to start the work until the question of the app’s functionality is finally settled. Otherwise, the project can easily bog down in details.

Irrational Things

Blurred Lines

Hey, no means no! Rapidly changing requirements can kill the project faster than you may think. The problem is not just in the additional workload. The project plan initially shouldn’t include adding new features and changing requirements. Speaking of the first working draft version – less is better.

Although, large projects cover too many areas, so it’s also the matter of project management model. You can compare different approaches to software development right here:

Innovation Wrongs

Some developers tend to use new, untested technologies. But,

Programming is like teeter-totter – it needs the right balance of old and new.

Choosing the right technology is an art, but it is better not to use beta versions of the libraries appeared only yesterday.

Moreover, many developers don’t buy ready-made libraries and just write their own instead. Yes, custom technologies have their advantages but also may give a rough time to the project development.It is necessary to determine the possibility of using existing libraries before creating new ones.

Useless Prototypes

Useless Prototypes

Coder can write a prototype on a different language or system to learn something and go ahead with software development. The danger is in time spent on a mock-up, useless to actual product.

For example, if you develop a product in ASP.NET, you shouldn’t waste your time to create a prototype in Ruby on Rails and study the access to the Rails database. The mock-up with the back end minimal support, however, does make sense in order to get some feedback from the user.

Each particular mistake we described here can do much harm to your project, but a proper combination will definitely ruin it. This is why you must remain in control of your project and be aware of any risky activity out there!